Qwiz (STD 1 to 5)

Today General knowledge helps students in their career aspirations, as exams / interviews for positions in IAS / Government, Army, Banks, Private Sector evaluate the General knowledge of students. The purpose of this qwiz competition is to generate an initiative to seek knowledge about the world, discover new information and facts and build a foundation and attitude of knowledge gathering. It is not an attempt to compare learning ability vis-a-vis a Syllabus.

Participation in the qwiz will help to create a more confident, knowledgeable student.

Please note that we will continue the formal classroom assessment while retaining the online assessments.

Participation in the qwiz will help to create a more confident, knowledgeable student.

We evaluate the knowledge about a wide range of subjects which may also include the class wise topics covered by CBSE/ICSE and the State Boards. Generally speaking, it has been found that children with a rich base of factual knowledge can retain more information and figures and are regarded more intelligent. This is mainly because they consciously connect between different information which they learn and this helps them retrieve the information stored when required.

*Suggested syllabuses for each class have been provided as guidelines. They are not comprehensive. Ultimately the student has to use these sample papers as guidelines and study the world around them to gather facts and improve their knowledge.

We will conduct next rounds for the top rankers who will be informed by email about the process and rules. Kindly note that STAGE ROUNDS will be held subject to the Government rules and Pandemic Laws in force.

*Other CIDS - Qwiz Terms and Conditions apply