I am very grateful to you for freely transferring my views on Philosophy on educating student. & other experience love towards the students and share for the development of the society made me to move in this field. I consider all my students as my own children which gives me spirit and enthusiasm to carry my responsibilities.
I am caring and Challenge accepting housewife who has completed 43 years of age. I am working for last 22 years in the field of education. The questions asked made me to put my experiences of my past.
A school in 21st century is a “state of the art” in teaching and learning environment where every child matters.
My first primary mission as a principal we strongly believe that high expectations set from the early years of schooling ensure that students are active in their own learning throughout life. with the use of flexible learning spaces, learning studies and effective learning technologies, we train our students to understand from an early age, what works well for them as they develop a sense of their own identity in they learn the best. The effectiveness of school structure is determined by
- Staffing is complete.
- Student schedules are balanced & complete.
- Parents are notified about recommended student programme changes.
- Faculty handbooks, student hand books are updated, reviewed & complete.
- A school calendar is began with regular school and community meeting dates identified.
- Orientation programs are planned.
- Support programs are planned for s truggling students.
I believe that :
- Every child must achieve academic success in school.
- Every school must educated values, norms and practices of diverse groups and at the same time celebrate shared community values.

Thus mission of principal is to provide each student a diverse education in safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, motivation & excellence in learning.
“Education is the only solution” for the Childs foundation. While educating students we must maintain student’s interest by helping them see how what they are learning prepares them for life. We must instill the within them the values of co -operation, humbleness patience and respect towards the country. Instilling in the students the knowledge oriented human being rather than mark oriented.
Through a long journey of my Experience I feel the 3 important Characteristics of an efficient school are-
- School –Teacher-parent centered education for the development of every child.
- Healthy atmosphere to develop students providing opportunities for learning both within and out of the classroom.
- Instill among the students a positive attitude and more practical oriented.
Be there every time with your child as the first education of a child begins at his home. Parents play an important role in educating their child in the following ways –
- Creating an educational environment in home.
- Spending time with their children.
- Encouraging your children that failure in any aspects enables them to stand again and gives opportunity to start with new determination.
Always discussing about their problems and keeping watch on the daily activities.
Parents own behavior while bringing up the child.

Mrs. Megha Pawar
Rayat English Medium School, Satara